Friday, April 24, 2020
The Preston North End Fc academy director is very busy, he is responsible for the day to day running of the academy Essay Example
The Preston North End Fc academy director is very busy, he is responsible for the day to day running of the academy Essay The Preston North End Fc academy director is very busy, he is responsible for the day to day running of the academy. He has many jobs including the sorting of kit, balls and the scouting and signing of new players. However, the most time consuming job that he has to do is write to all the players before the start of each season and before they return from the Christmas break. He currently does this by hand on paper, copying the data from his files (stored on paper). This is very boring and time consuming. There are at least 16 players in each age group and the age groups range from under 8-16s. This means a lot of letters and a lot of names to store. Another problem he has is that writing all these letters can cause a lot of mistakes that not only tarnishs his reputation but also the football clubs. I have been approached to find a solution to the problem. I will be creating a solution that can make the letters he wants in a shorter period of time and at a higher level of accuracy than his current method. I will decide on the package and type of program later. Although I know I will definitely be using a computerised solution to the problem. The advantages and disadvantages of a computerised solution are shown below Advantages We will write a custom essay sample on The Preston North End Fc academy director is very busy, he is responsible for the day to day running of the academy specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Preston North End Fc academy director is very busy, he is responsible for the day to day running of the academy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Preston North End Fc academy director is very busy, he is responsible for the day to day running of the academy specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 1. More accurate 2. Faster time to produce final document 3. Less Storage of information on paper 4. More professional looking 5. Faster and easier to find records on customers 6. Easier to duplicate Disadvantages 1. Cost of equipment 2. All records lost if computer is stolen or broke 3. Can be confusing As you can see the advantages far out weight the disadvantages and I think this proves a computerised solution to the problem is the best option. The best program I think I could use is a word processing package. This would be better than a spreadsheet or database package or a Desktop publishing package (For a in depth look at each package and the package I will choose see page) There are three objectives I have set myself from the start that I think will be essential to the project and system. They will also be of great benefit to the user. 1. The system must print out personalised letters automatically. 2. The letters need to show the club logo on. 3. The system needs to store information about all the players in a database type. The types of software packages I am considering for this project are 1. DTP 2. Database 3. Word Processing 4. Spreadsheet 5. Paint I will now go through each of them and look at their positive and negative points. This will help me decide which one is best to use for my project and end user. DTP (Desktop Publisher) DTP is a package which produces high quality design work e.g. leaflets, posters, flyers etc. I have considered using this package although it is very obvious it is not applicable to this project as it cannot store data in an easy to read format and is not able to produce text documents, this is not what I need so I will not be using it. Database Database packages include Lotus123 and Microsoft Works, they are very effective at storing information in fields (row and column format) but they cannot be linked to a document in the simple way my end user requires. People like the police use databases to store information on criminals. However as this type of program cannot be linked to a document it is unsuitable for my requirements. Spreadsheet Spreadsheets are similar top databases in that they store information, they have fields in the row and column format and they can do calculations. The calculations can be complex and in the formulae type. However storing data is only one requirement and not a big one. Spreadsheet packages are not suitable for writing long strands of information and therefore I will not be using this type of package. Word Processing Word Processing packages such as Microsoft Word are mainly used for writing letters and long strands of text. Some can store data that can be linked to a word document in the form of Mail Merge. The packages can include word art and picture files. This is everything my end user requires. Now I have chosen the type of package I need to use I will chose the program the options are shown below. * Notepad * Lotus123 (word) * Microsoft Word Notepad This is probably the most simple to use word processing package, it doesnt have a spell checker and doesnt have the option of using mail merge, this means it is not up to the requirements of my end user and I will not be using it. Lotus123 (Word) This is the Microsoft Word equivalent for Lotus, it has spell checker and Mail Merge but I am not as familiar with the package as I am with Microsoft word and the school Pcs dont have it. Microsoft Word This is a program I am very familiar with, it has mail merge and spell checker, it can contain picture files and I have it on my home Pc and the school Pcs. It is also the program most likely to come as standard with my end users Pc. To solve the problem I will be using Microsoft Word and in particularly Mail Merge. This will allow me to store a lot of data in a file which is linked to a word document that can be addressed to many people but made personal by inserting data into the document at certain points E.g. Age, address, name and most importantly the different times of training and dates of return to training. For more information see above. Hardware My end user will need the following hardware requirements for the system to work at its full potential. Printer-Essential to print the letters off this will need to be a fast laser printer because the numbers of copies will be around 150-200. Which will then be sent to players informing them of the relevant information. Monitor-Essential to read and view the system enough said! Keyboard-Essential to type in the information needed for the database storage and letters to players. Mouse-Will be very useful to my end user although it is not totally necessary, wil save time and make the system easier to operate. A: Drive This will enable the user to transfer data from computer to computer using a floppy disk. C: Drive Will be of use to the user in many ways. A lot of software (see below) is loaded on CD using this drive. The instillation process is mainly used through this drive as well as the running of the program. Software My end user will be using the following software packages. Microsoft Word This will be the program essential to the system. Norton Anti Virus 2003 This will help protect my end users system from viruss. Questionnaire To get the best results for my end user we had a meeting about the system, this is shown below. What do you want from your system? I want a system that can produce many different, personal letters. The letters need to be quite similar but the dates and times need to be able to changed easily as well as the information about each person. What is the most important feature your system must have? It must be able to change the named, address, and other personal details throughout the letter for each individual person. How many players do you need records for? About 150 200 Do you need a macro button to print off the copies? Dont think one is totally necessary but I wouldnt mind one if it makes it easier. What type of field will you need on the database of records? Name (first and last), address (full), age group. Thats all I can thin of at them moment. What is the full address, telephone and fax, email and website of your part of the business? 23 Merry Way Sea Haven SE4 8HV Tel 01772 458102 Fax 078 7354 7362 E-mail [emailprotected] Website Will you be printing on white, A4 Paper? If not what size and what colour? Yes. Thank you Thank you Key: Blue = Me Black = End User The information I will be inputting into my work will be 1. The Club Logo-This will be obtained from the Preston website (I have been given permission to use this). I will then manipulate it slightly (without changing the shape or design) in a graphics package probably Pro-Desktop. 2. The addresses of the players, the names, their telephone numbers etc. I have been given the data for this information to input into the system, the club have also given me the text to put into the letter. When a player leaves my end user will update the system. If a player changes address they will be given a data capture form which the end user will use to update the system. Processes The following processes will take place in the making of my system. * The signature will be scanned in to the final document * The club logo will be manipulated in Pro-Desktop * A macro that enables the user to click on it and print the data off * The data source will be updated * The data capture form will be made * The document and data will be merged Outputs The following outputs will be used in the system * A printer will print off the copies, if all 150-200 are needed to be printed off at the same time then a fast laser printer will be needed, this enables the user to print off many copies in a short time at a high level of quality. I will be using a fast laser colour printer because it will add to the quality of the letter. Data Flow Diagram Below is a (DFD) data flow diagram for my system. After showing my initial designs to my end user I had an interview with her, this is shown below. Are you happy with the initial designs? Yes, although I can think of a few changes What are these? The database has too many fields that are unnecessary. These fields need removing and the data capture form needs to be formatted better so I can easily read and edit information onto the database of players information. Ok thank for those pointers, are there any other things? No Any questions? No Thank you Thank you Key: Blue = Me Black = End User Having got feedback form my end user I will be making the following changes * The fields from the storage of names will be looked at to see which ones are really necessary. * The data capture form will be changed in the format style so that it is easier to look at. On the next page my initial designs are shown. These are the ones commented on above by my end user and the designs I will be making the changes to stated above. The changes I will make will be highlighted. From my initial designs things have not changed dramatically but there are a little changes that have been made, these are as follows * The field numbers have changed slightly, this was due to when showing the initial designs to my end user he was not sure that all the fields were needed. * The size of macro button (print macro) was changed after it became obvious that it was not big enough to be noticed by my end user. The rest of the system was unchanged from the initial designs. The system is shown below. I think the objectives in the project set were mostly met. I think my project definitely meets the end users requirements and the end user agrees with this (see final interview, page ). If I was to do the project again though I would make more test plans to make sure there were absolutely no mistakes. I would also have more interviews with the end user so that the system could have been made in that little bit more detail. If I were to make a critical comment on my project and to change something I would make the letters a bit jazzier, maybe some football pictures on. This was one thing suggested by the user as well (see below) My user feed back is shown below, as well as having an interview before the project started I had one after the system was finished. The results of which are shown below Are you happy with the overall project, if not why? I am very happy with all parts except the final letters, they are a little dull and boring. Are there any other features you would have liked the system to have had? No, other than the letters having a bit more colour and life in them the whole system created was excellently, thank you What are the positives from the system? Everything, especially the easy to print macro button and the easy way I could update the records by using the data capture form. What would you mark the system out of ten? Probably 9 out of 10 because the letters werent perfect. Thank you for completing the questionnaire. Thank you Key: Blue = Me Black = End User Looking at my end users comments I think they are very helpful and I understand the users idea that the letters were a bit plain and dull. If I were to do the project again I would definitely change this part of my project, I would also change the club logo a bit to add more change and style to the letters and overall system.
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